Saturday, May 24, 2014

To Market, to Market, my very first one! Part 1 getting there and sample spree


I think I have recovered from my first Market experience........ it was what I expected and more than I expected and not as bad as I expected all at once.... is that possible??

First..... I went as an industry professional for my Longarm Quilting Business Yellow House Quilts.  This meant I had to go alone...... just me, in a strange city 6 hours drive from home...... that is a BIT more than I was willing to tackle and I almost wasn't going to go when I found out I couldn't bring my mom ( my quilty traveling partner) with me.

 I was lucky enough that my friends from O'Sussannah's Quilts and Gifts  said I could tag along with them and share a room.  Whew, I am pretty independent but walking alone in a big strange city isn't this country girls idea of a good time....We had a blast!!  What fun those 4 ladies are!! 


After driving for perhaps forever...... ( really hate long car rides, anything over 3 hours and I am BORED) and one brake check with a tractor trailer truck, we arrived with a bit of time to get settled before sample spree in a TORRENTIAL downpour.... it was raining so hard we had trouble reading the street signs to find our hotel.

I had some idea what sample spree was about..... I was excited to experience my first one.  I am not known for being a crowd person so I was a bit overwhelmed!!  We stayed to the back of the crowd and let all the crazies push and shove then calmly walked in..... I was run over by about 10 people had one lady actually SHOVE me out of the way for an item on a table that was STACKED atleast 15 high and she could have easily gotten in a moment or two.  This side of humanity is the part I dont understand.  I got a couple of Riley Blake layer cakes and 3 batik voile scarves and I was out of there!!  It was just WAY too much for me!!  I didnt even get any pictures.  I was a bit concerned about what the market floor would be like if that was how people were going to behave.......thankfully it was much better than I expected!!

Stay tuned to see the Market Floor!!

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