Thursday, March 27, 2014


I was a bit slow to get on the SWOON bandwagon....... but when the right fabric line came my way I knew exactly what to do with it.... SWOON.  Perhaps I should back up just a tiny bit.  I am good friends with a fabric designer who lives in my area.  Her name is Felicity Miller and she designs fabrics for Free Spirit.  Her line Charelston Farmhouse came out last fall and I knew INSTANTLY what I wanted to make with it!  I do not get the luxury of piecing things very often so making this quilt took me MONTHS.  I finished it at out annual quilt guild retreat in the end of February and was so excited to get it quilted I made room for it this weekend!!  I could have done a million things to quilt this quilt, just look on pinterest under swoon and you will see hundreds of ideas but somehow this quilt said it just needed a light custom touch. 

I quilted it with simple swirls in the large grey areas and a combination of straight line spirals and pretty flowing swirls in the areas of the blocks.  
I am VERY excited with how it came out and even more excited when the extra time I spent to cut the binding on the bias looked as awesome as I hoped it would.  Enjoy this bit of eye candy!!