As the summer gets going at LIGHTNING speed, there sure is a LOT going on around here!!
I am currently trying to get quilts labeled, and hanging sleeves prepared for 4 different shows....whew, that is a LOT to keep track of!!
My quilt "Chocolate in my Garden" goes to the New York State Fair, tomorrow......
when it returns from the NYState Fair, it will travel to Springfield Missouri for the MQX Mid-West show next month!
Trevors Shark quilt "Shoal" left on Monday for the BadAss Quilters Society Exhibition at the AQS Chattanooga show in the first part of September.

It will then go to my friend Maddie Kertays shop Spool to hang in her shop for a while. Trevor was sad to hear it was leaving for a bit but he has since forgotten, funny how fast they recover from things at 7 LOL.
the 4th show is at O'Susannah's Quilt shop in Watkings Glen on the 16th and 17th of August..... you would think since that show is closest I would be all set with my entries for that but in reality...... I am NOT sure what is going to go to that show yet.
Second Annual Show
Two day Show !
Saturday, August 16, 2014 10:00-4:00pm
Sunday, August 17, 2014 11:00-3:00pm
This is a wonderful little show if you are close to the area, you CANNOT beat the views driving there, the wineries are amazing and..... the quilts at the show will be worth your time for certain!!
On top of all this, I have gotten myself into some more FUN!! I have been chosen as a "SECRET STITCHER" for Spool
I will be helping to make the samples and new projects which will be featured in the store. I simply CANNOT wait to get into these projects!!
I am currently filling my fall teaching schedule. I will be at O'susannah's Quilts in Watkins Glen, and Ivy Thimble in Victor, NY as well as a New location MUCH closer to home (Weedsport) once the shop is open and running ( MORE ON THAT SOON I PROMISE). Once I get my schedule finalized I will be posting the calendar for all to see, it will be on my new Website, which is just ANOTHER thing I am tackling this summer!
Whew..... I am tired just thinking of all this STUFF I have to tackle!! If you are out and about and get a chance to see the show at O'Susannah's or the NY State Fair, or even better the AQS Show in Chattanooga PLEASE think of me and snap photos of my babies hanging. I LOVE to see them!!
For now its time to enjoy some fun with my little people, afterall they are only young once!!

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