I am still completely shocked that this happened today......... It baffles me to think there are people out there who could do this but yet again i have proof that it happens. Let me back up a bit and give you some background information.
I teach domestic machine quilting classes at local quilt shops and guilds. I am a relatively young person in the quilting world and I am about building people up. My experiences in the quilting world have not always been positive. People haven't always been kind to me, they have shared opinions with me in rude or negative ways. I am a lucky one I have great confidence that each thing I do or am working on is the best that I can do at the time. I am okay with my work and it makes me happy, I am MORE happy when my work effects others positively but I don't NEED people to love my work, I love it and that is enough. I wasn't always this way, but I have grown into this confidence and I am enjoying it. Don't get me wrong I am not cocky or bragging I have SO VERY VERY much to learn, I am just confident that what I am doing is the best I can do at this time.
Today I had a student in my class, an older lady, she was clearly worried about class and being able to do the quilting designs I asked. I don't expect perfection, infact I let everyone know that they may not even be good at the designs when class is over, it takes practice. Practice that needs to happen outside of class at home to become really good at the designs. What I do ask is that every student tries each design and gives them their best shot. This student did indeed keep this promise. She worked hard, she tried every design, she gave her full attention to my class.
When we were nearing the end of class time she made a confession to me....... she had been afraid to attend my class. Not because I was young, and she feared we wouldnt have much in common but because of a past machine quilting class. This student who gave my class her best effort had taken a class in the past (CLEARLY NOT WITH ME), a 3 day class on machine quilting. After taking the class with the teacher and doing what I am sure was her best work on a hard new skill which she had just learned her teacher actually told her that it would be better if she just paid someone to quilt her stuff........ REALLY...... I was so shocked I asked if I heard her right....... Someone who is claiming to be a teacher told her "She better pay someone to quilt her stuff". My student brought the piece she was quilting in the class that day and I looked it over. Of course it wasn't show quality work she had just learned a new skill but it was definitely a good solid start and it was clear she had tried hard to do the skills ( the 2 things I require of my students).
So here we are back to the beginning...... how on earth can someone honestly feel good about themselves at the end of the day when they have done something like this to another person. She made my student afraid to try, afraid that she wasn't good enough to quilt on her own machine, afraid of the process which should be so very uplifting and fulled with happiness. What gives this "teacher" the right to destroy someones confidence in this manner?? How can she possibly claim to be an educator? How could this teacher still be teaching?? I am just baffled by all of this?
I am taking a stand today. A stand against the Quilt bullies who are spending all their time breaking down those who are doing their best, a stand against those who think that they are the best and nobody else can find their place in this big industry, a stand against those who think that their way is the only way to do or create things and that those who do things differently than they do are wrong or not as good.
I am instead asking that we take a moment to BUILD OTHERS UP, speak up, stand up and ENCOURAGE others to create their best work right now, encourage them to TRY, practice and create whatever makes their hearts happy. Support others, it doesn't take anymore time to build another person up instead of breaking them down. ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE, ENCOURAGE and help build others up!! This industry is big enough for everyone no matter their level of skills and training, so help and support others whenever you are able. Be a builder and take a stand against the bullies!! PLEASE!!